Fill out one-time yellow registration card and leave under purple file box.
Fill out card located in item pocket with printed name, a working phone number and date due.
Put check-out card in front section of purple file box. We will file the card later.
Loan Period
Books can be checked out for 4 weeks,
audiovisuals for 2 weeks, and
reference books for 1 week.
Check-In Procedure
Put items in book return slot at checkout station. We take care of the card and reshelving for you.
Renewing Materials
On-site: Find checkout card in purple file box. Print your name and phone number on the card with the new renewal date (add 4 weeks for books and 2 weeks for audiovisuals). Put card in front section of file box.
Off-site: Call 734-678-2322, or send your request for renewal through email to [email protected]. Please include in your message your full name and the title(s) and call number(s) of the material(s) you are renewing.
Donating Materials
We love donated materials! If you have items appropriate for a Catholic church library, you can put them in the book return slot at the checkout station, or leave a bag or box next to the computer desk in the library.