How do I enroll my child?
The first step is to complete our online application. All enrollment forms can be found on our Enrollment page.
What ages are you accepting?
We are accepting students in Pre-K through eighth grade. To enroll in Kindergarten, your child must be at least five years of age on September 1st of the school year of enrollment. The Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 programs are for children who are ages three and four respectively on or before September 1st of the school year of enrollment.
Is there a waiting list? How will it work?
Enrollment is now open to the entire community. As grades reach capacity, students will be placed on a wait list, and will be accepted once there is an opening. If a student disenrolls or if it becomes feasible to open another full classroom, you will be notified.
How many students do you have?
We currently have 70 in Pre-K through seventh grade, and anticipate around 85 next year in Pre-K through eighth grade.
Is the preschool run year round?
The preschool is run during the academic year only.
What days of the week are 3 day and 2 day preschool?
Are standardized tests given at the school?
Yes, the NWEA test will be given to our students. The NWEA is helpful in identifying gaps in student knowledge and address specific student needs.
What are the school hours?
A minimum of 180 instructional days will be scheduled in the annual school calendar and more than 1,098 hours of instruction will be provided. The typical school day will be 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Professional development days will be scheduled and will be noted on the school calendar.
How can I donate to the school?
If you'd like to donate to the school, please do so through the Giving Page. There you will find our catalog with many of the items we need for the school, a list of books we'd like for our library, and ways to donate to matching or scholarship funds.
How do you feel about strong parental involvement?
We love it! We ask that all families participate in five days of lunch/recess volunteering and to volunteer for at least five PTG or church sponsored events. Please see our Volunteer page for details.
We hold the utmost importance in the health, safety, and wellbeing of our students via the “Protecting God’s Children” training program offered by VIRTUS. These training courses are available online and in person. Training takes approximately two hours and completion of the program is mandatory for anyone interacting, in any manner, with our students and the school must have this form on file.
What’s the best way to stay up-to-date on school news?
We are growing an active community on Facebook. For current families, the best way to stay informed is through the weekly Flocknote newsletter.