Session 1: March 9, 2021 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Dementia Series: Finding a Path for Support and Resources
Jim Mangi talks about his wife’s diagnosis 13 years ago with early-stage dementia along with his daughter, Charlene Mangi, who gives her perspective. Michelle Phalen at the Alzheimer's Association speaks about programs and resources to help those with dementia and caregivers.
Dementia Session #1 Recording
Passcode: 6mH5?9KD
Session 2: March 16, 2921 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Dementia Series: Legal Planning
Terry Bertram, Elder Law and Estate Planning Attorney, discusses legal decision-making and the uses of a will, living trust, and advance directives to make well-informed health care decisions.
Dementia Session #2 Recording
Passcode: 3y=r+AdC
Session 3: March 23, 2021 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Dementia Series: Cost of Long-Term Care: How to Pay
This webinar focuses on "Options for Long-Term Care (LTC)." with Chiara C. Clayton, Communications & Outreach Specialist at the Area Agency on Aging 1-B. Featuring information on government-funded programs that offer direct care in the home and services to navigate Medicare/Medicaid with LTC options. Justine Bykowski, MA retired from Michigan Medicine with specialty in gerontology talks about decision-making in selecting an assisted living care residence.
Dementia Session # 3 Recording
Passcode: S%y8!ap2
The National Institute on Aging of the US National Institutes of Health has a number of free publications that can be downloaded, or ordered for print in small quantities. These are available by searching for "dementia" at: