To guide the St. Andrew parish community to embrace and empower all individuals with different abilities to share their full potential to know, love and serve the Lord within a supportive Catholic community.
God has made each of us in his image with different challenges and abilities but a universal call to holiness. We endeavor to break down barriers and build bridges to help all parishioners reach the fullness of Christ's vision for full social and spiritual growth and participation in all aspects of parish life.
Prayer for Awareness
God, Creator of all, help us to recognize that each of us has limitations. And yet we all have a part to play in bringing about Your kingdom. You love each of us profoundly. In the spirit of gratitude and solidarity, we ask you to increase our awareness of both the gifts and the needs of those around us. Open our hearts, mind and doors to the gifts of every person. Help us to become truly welcoming communities where everyone can find a place at Your table. We ask this in Your Name. Amen.